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greetings to you
The Basics
  Age: 29   Gender: Female   Race: African   Location: Bushbuckridge Mpumalanga South Africa
The Details
Body Type:
  Slim, Athletic
About Me

my name is B.J lm a girl aged 21.lm an assistant creche teacher at devine knowledge.l've applied for bachelor of education to study next year. lm a funny person, l can be loud sometimes.l like meeting new people everytime who speak different languages coz its funny to learn some new cultures. l dnt like being in comfort zone everytime.lm not hard to pliz for l am a chocolate lover .lm a kind person who likes giving people second chances. My hobbies are too much l love reading different types of books. l like dancing, singing, writing poetry.l like hanging out with my family.l love sightseeing, camping and traveling to different areas.l like rock climbing lm scared of falling and lose my teeth.One of my dream is to become an English lecturer and helping in charity work. l wanna be a mother 1day.
What I'm Looking For

l dnt care too much about age but lm looking for a guy who smart .Who is friendly ,someone who can be honest not with big ego. Who can be romantic, who can be patient. Someone whom l can learn to love and who is caring. lm not looking for Mr perfect but l dnt like cheaters or a man who is involved in crime. l dnt wanna hurt people's feelings but l dnt like cowards.l like someone who does not give up in situations he faces. Someone with a sense of humor not too grumpy. Who will treat me with respect, who respect other people's space Who does not judge a person by what heard only. He should be hot, handsome, with six pack Kkk just kidding. Sorry to say this but l dnt like lazy people.

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