Articles > Dating Tips

8 of the Worst First Date Mistakes

After much hard work and worry, you have your first date with your newest find. The next step is to set your mind right and avoid the biggest mistake you could make, messing up on your first date. All the hope, money spent, preparations could end up just frustration and a bruised ego. Let’s take a look and explore some of the biggest mistakes ever made. Read More...

Loving Long Distance Relationships

When two people love each other, it is easy to understand the dynamics of a long distance relationship. However, when these two people are dating online, the dynamics can be very different, especially if they want to meet face-to-face one day. Many things will need to change for both parties involved and concessions must be made on both ends. This brings up the question, is it all worth it? Will the trouble of establishing a long distance relationship after an online relationship be worth it? There are some simple rules to help you through some of the toughest times that may be lying ahead of you and you must keep them in mind if you intend to make this person your soul mate. Read More...

First Impressions Count. Make Sure You Get Them Right

When its all on the line and you really want him or her to love you. Assuming you’re not a stalker or psychotic, you’re looking to make the best first impression you can. A better one than any you have ever made before. There are some things to keep in mind so you do not blow the Golden Moment. When you are finally in the spotlight, keep remember these things and you are sure to make the best impression you can. Read More...

How To Handle Saying The Wrong Thing On A Date

Bad dates sometimes can be unavoidable. No matter what you do, at least once in your life, you are bound to have a bad time on a date for one reason or another. You may run across people who say they have never had a bad one, but rest assured they are not exactly telling you the truth. It is not possible to have a perfect, 100% “good date” dating score. The most common way a date can go wrong is if one of you say the wrong thing to the other. This can ruin the perfect date even for Oprah. But there are ways to get around it. There are also things you can do to try to counteract the damage of what was said, or even get out of the bad date altogether if you need to. Read More...

5 Common Sense Dating Tips for Single Men

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of tips that have been proposed to the singles community over the last few hundred years or so. The problem with these tips is they are just the same things dressed up as something new. However, the following tips, give you a bit of common sense. This is handy because common sense is one of the first things that fly out the window when a man starts dating, especially if he is pursuing someone he genuinely likes. Read More...

Online Dating vs Finding Singles In Clubs And Bars

When you are looking for love, the usual spots are sometimes all a person has to help them. However, the usual clubs and bars are not always what you would expect. While many of these establishments have a host of men and women just itching to find someone, you do not know their intentions. Let’s look at the pros and cons of finding love in some of these familiar places. Read More...
