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Looking a straightforward women
The Basics
  Age: 40   Gender: Male   Race: Other   Location: Louisiana United States
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  Clean Cut
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About Me

Hello i just turned 28. I am all about the outdoors. From around STL MO area. But i am in the army in leesville Louisiana. Which i know military guys have a bad rep. I understand that. I dont blame u. Because i agree with u. There are alot of stupid guys. That just look for one thing. I can tell all day that i am not that. Which i am not. Only i can do is talk to u and let u get to know me and prove it. I am very open. Got a big heart. Dont mind if u have kids. I am in shape lime to hit the gym. Fishing is a big thing i do alot. I am funny. Very blunt. Big on family. Respectful.honest.
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What I'm Looking For

hate girls that play games. It drives me nuts. So if ur one of thoughs girls ur not a women. dont waste my time. I am not here to look just for booty. Good personally is a must, along with being an outdoors girl. I dont mind if u have kids. My sister have 3. She had a shitty husband. So i know it happens. Its prettyt harder for u to find a guy. I cant hold that against u. Notice i said guy not man. Because they should go by who u are not by ur kids that u love so much. Atleast i would hope u would loved them they are ur blood. So this is also what i am looking for honesty. Dont care if it might hurt. Open to try new things . Good hygiene. Dont mindgetting dirty.spontaneous. call me shallow but attraction is a must. I am sorry. Dont have to be supermodel looking or nothing. In shape. Active outdoors. Good hearted family person. Sweet


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