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Hello!!! Dont be Shy!!!
The Basics
  Age: 67   Gender: Male   Race: Other   Location: Black Diamond Washington United States
The Details
Body Type:
  Clean Cut
  Occaisional smoker
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About Me

I am a young age 54. 5'8".
I enjoy boating mostly and buying restoring old vintage boats and then resell them. I would like to think im a good person. My friends would say that I am a very thoghtful person. I have a small place on a lake, with a dock. Its very relaxing. I am open to just about anything but what im really looking for is a permanent lasting realrionship. Im not in to endless emails back and forth and then never meeting that person. Im looking for the type of relationship where nothing really has to be said because you both know everything is ok. Trust and honesty go a long way with me.
I like dinning out, casinos, and the usual stuff any normal person would want to do.
I am not a couch guy.

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What I'm Looking For

Im looking for the type of woman that does the best with what she has. Make up or no make up, must smell nice, and have a nice smile, manicured nails are a good perk too. Must be friendly, somewhat easy on the eyes, and personable. Some one that can adapt to what ever enviorment she is thrown in to. For example if we are way out in the boonies and there is no other place to eat other than McDonalds, you should be able to find something there you can eat, rather than making me drive 200 miles out of the way to a 5 star establishment. If we are in an area, where there are no flush toilets, then you should be able to use a honey bucket. These are just 2 examples or what I mean, and I admit they are a bit extreme, but you get the general idea I hope. Be flexible when you need to be.

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